How to Become a Physical Therapist in Iowa

Over 1,900 Physical Therapists worked in Iowa in 2013 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Their annual median wage was $80,800. Physical Therapists in the nonmetropolitan areas of northwest Iowa had the fourth highest average wages of any such area in the U.S. The average salary there was $105,000. The 970 Physical Therapy Assistants employed in Iowa in 2013 averaged $47,430 a year.

The Iowa Board of Physical & Occupational Therapy provides licensing for PT professionals. They maintain an online directory of verified Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants who have Iowa certification to practice.

Here are the steps you need to take to become a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant in Iowa:

Physical Therapy Assistant:

  • You must earn an Associate’s degree from a school with a Physical Therapy Assistant Program that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy.
  • Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE).
  • To renew your license the second time, you must complete at least 20 hours of continuing education over a two year period.
  • Complete professional development units during every two year licensure period.
  • You can find the application form for a Physical Therapy Assistant on the state’s licensure website.

Physical Therapist:

  • You must earn a Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from a school that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy. Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) exam.
  • To renew your license for the second time, you must complete at least 40 hours of continuing education over a two year period.
  • Complete professional development units during every two year licensure period.
  • You can apply for your license on Iowa’s Physical Therapy licensure website.

Step 1: Complete Your Degree in Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Assistant

You must obtain at least an Associate’s degree to become a Physical Therapy Assistant. The state of Iowa requires you to obtain your degree from an institution that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy (CAPTE). Iowa has six such schools that provide either an Associate of Applied Science or an Associate of Science degree:

  • Hawkeye Community College
  • Indian Hills Community College
  • Kirkwood Community College
  • Mercy College of Health Science
  • North Iowa Area Community College
  • Western Iowa Tech Community College

Physical Therapist

Iowa has stringent requirements for the education of Physical Therapists and requires that you obtain a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from a CAPTE accredited school. Most of these degrees are obtained from Departments of Physical Therapy while one is the Graduate Program in Physical Therapy and Rehab Science. You can find these degree programs in the following schools:

  • Clark College
  • St. Ambrose University
  • Des Moines University—Osteopathic Medical Center
  • The University of Iowa

Step 2: Pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE)

The state of Iowa uses the examination of the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) to determine whether Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants meet the criteria for state licensure. You must take the National Physical Therapy Exam to be able to practice in Iowa.

There are separate exams to become a Physical Therapist and a Physical Therapy Assistant. The exam for Physical Therapists ranges from theory to diagnosis, prognosis, and consultation. The one for Physical Therapy Assistants will assess your competence to provide procedural interventions.

The American Physical Therapy Association strongly suggests that you prepare for this exam ahead of time to increase your chances of passing it. They provide a list of resources to prepare for this licensure exam. They also suggest that you visit a local therapy school to find out if you can obtain these types of resources from the school’s library or bookstore. They range from study guides to an online review course with mentoring.

You must meet the standard set by the FSBPT to pass. The school passing rates for Physical Therapists in Iowa ranged from 96.46% to 100% in 2010-2012. Those for Physical Therapy Assistants ranged from 86.79% to 95.35% during that time frame.

Step 3: Apply for Your Iowa State License

You will use the sameform to apply for your Iowa license whether you are seeking to become a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy Assistant.

  • Submit a signed application form to the Bureau of Professional Licensure of the Iowa Board of Physical & Occupational Therapy.
  • Send your check or money order for $120.
  • Arrange for the following organizations to send your information:
    • Professional schools need to send your official final transcripts
    • The FSBPT Score Transfer Service must send an official copy of your NPTE exam scores

Once you have been licensed, you can view and print your official licensure status. The Iowa Board of Physical &Occupational Therapy will mail your license and wallet card to you they have posted your Active status.

Step 4: Earn Continuing Education Credits

You do not need any continuing education credits when you first renew your license after you have been practicing for two years. After that, you will need to provide proof of continuing education credits to demonstrate that you are constantly improving your skills. You can find renewal forms on the state’s website.

You can obtain continuing education credits by going to events such as workshops, symposiums, or conferences. Another way to obtain these credits is by completing academic courses in the field of physical therapy. You get varying amounts of continuing education credits depending on the type of academic hours you take part in:

  • Semester hour = 15 continuing education hours of credit (CEHC)
  • Trimester hour = 12 CEHC
  • Quarter hour = 10 CEHC

You can find additional ways to obtain your PT continuing education credits in Chapter 203 of Iowa’s Professional Licensure Guide. Some of these activities include:

  • Publishing a research paper
  • Presenting professional programs
  • Participating in courses on the following topics:
    • Business-related (time management, marketing, etc.)
    • Personal skills (communication skills, human relations, etc.)
    • General health (CPR, clinical research, reporting child abuse)

Physical Therapy Assistant

You must complete at least 20 hours of credit within the first four years of obtaining your license so that you are prepared for your second license renewal. After that, you need to obtain this number of credit hours every two years.

Physical Therapist

You must complete at least 40 hours of credit within the first four years of obtaining your license so that you are prepared for your second license renewal. After that, you must obtain this number of credit hours every two years.

If you are new to the field or the state of Iowa, you may wish to join the Iowa Physical Therapy Association & Foundation.